Skill Levels

Novice Bronze (USA Hockey 0-1 Skill)
(Beginners, Less skilled MCHL Novice or Hockey Finder 1-2)
This division is intended for the slowest of players. People who are new to hockey, hockey moms, old men and weak skaters. People who are not very good at skating backward. We do not expect to see people with the skill to do backward crossovers. There should not be anyone at a house high school level or above skilled players here. We do not want people who played travel hockey as a kid here. Skaters are often new to the game of hockey and those who are developing fundamental skating and stick-handling skills. Most are learning the basic rules of the game and team play.

This division would be intended for weak versions of the following teams;
Stars Black, Private Misfits, Iowa Tropics, Flying V’s, Lincoln Bumbing Beavers, and Omaha Komrades

Novice Silver (USA Hockey 1-2 Skill)
(Average skilled MCHL Novice or Better Hockey Finder 1-2)
This division would be normal novice players. People who are still newer to hockey. People who have not had formal coaching. We do not want to see high school skill players here. Skaters have general knowledge of the game and have fundamental skating and stick-handling skills. Some will be advancing from a novice bronze level of play and others may be slowing with age and moving down from higher ranks. Teams are mostly comprised of beginner adult players and older 50+ players who may have lost a step but still love to compete. These teams are comparable to traditional USA Hockey “D” level adult league teams.

This division would be intended for the following teams;
Mustache Mafia Blue, Salty Dogs, Snipers Green, Sioux City Ice, Firehouse Subs, War Pigs Ice Gladiators, Pirate Expendables, and SCAHL and Pirate Rebels

Novice Gold (USA Hockey 2-3 Skill)
(Average skilled MCHL INTB, Less Skilled INTA or Less skilled hockey finder 2-4)
This division would be for your avenge skilled lower teir beer league skaters. We could have some high school skilled players here. We do not want any travel high school skill players here. There are no skilled players here at all. Skaters are the great wide middle of adult recreational hockey. Most skaters have not had significant coaching or played significant youth hockey as a child, but are generally athletic, have good knowledge of the game, skating and puck handling skills and can play at a general competitive level. Some skaters may be slowing with age and moving down from higher ranks. Normally have the greatest numbers of skaters and the widest range of average skills within the rank. This division consists of intermediate-level players who may have experience playing up to the high school level and lower midget levels. Some players may have limited organized youth playing experience, but have several years of experience as a recreational adult player.

This division would be intended for the following teams;
Menace, Ghost Pirates, Wyld Stallyns, Stars White, Ghost Pirates, Average Joes, Ringers, Iowa Mild, Mustache Mafia Black, and Wild Goose and Snipers Gold

Intermediate Bronze (USA Hockey 3-3.5 Skill)
(Average skilled MCHL INTA, Higher skilled INTB or Hockey Finder 2-4)
This division would be for your average skilled high school house players and some travel high school skilled players. There are no college-skilled players here at all. These teams are comparable to traditional USA Hockey “C” level adult league teams. **Players with experience beyond the high school/midget tier 2 level will not be permitted to play in the Novice Gold division.**

This division would be intended for the following teams;
McCues Taproom, Eskimo Bros HC, Sioux City Most Wanted, Blue Line Shots, IceWolves, Swamp Donkeys, Stars Blue and Ames Eaglez

Intermediate Silver (USA Hockey 3.5-4 Skill)
(Higher Skilled MCHL INTA or Less skilled Hockey Finder 3-5)
This division would be for your Varsity High School or Competitive Midget. Skaters have substantial hockey abilities, skills, knowledge and experience. Most skaters have been coached and have played considerable hockey in the past. Some skaters may be slowing with age, and/or are interested in playing in a consistent manner appropriate to league play and moving down from INT Gold.

This division would be intended for the following teams;
Pirate Orange, Lincoln Senators, War Pigs Worldstar, Topeka Tinmen, and Sodak Storm

Intermediate Gold (USA Hockey 4-6 Skill)
(Highest MCHL skilled, BPHL, or Hockey Finder 3-5)
Junior B; ACHA (College Club) or Midget AAA
in this division, skaters are the best skaters in the league and have exceptional hockey abilities, skills, knowledge and experience. Most have been coached and have extensive organized hockey experience, likely to at least include elite high school or junior level play to those who have played advanced college. This includes a wide range of very skilled players. This division consists of advanced level players who may have Tier II or III Junior, ACHA, Midget Major AAA, and Prep/Varsity High School playing experience. Teams are comparable to traditional USA Hockey “B” level adult league teams.

This division would be intended for the following teams;
Ferda, Sioux Center, Stars Red, Tri City, Red Hot Chili Peppers, 72 Table N Tap, Prestige Worldwide and War Pigs Semi Pros